
5 Reasons Why Business Start-ups Fail

If you are starting up your business, and you don’t want to be amidst those that have failed, you need to beware of the top mistakes many start-ups make.

Poor Planning

There is no success without a plan, be it a business, or a birthday party you are hosting. A clear plan with objectives and goals is the very first thing you would work on before you start your business. When you say ‘plan’, it does not simply mean thinking about a product or service that you wish to sell and where, but all the crucial things in between such as management, employees and teams, vendors, inventory management, cash flow and everything else! 

Addressing all of these areas is crucial if you want your new business to run smooth and reach its goals. Not doing so will only cause your business to fail, sooner or later!

Product Related Issues

One of the key things you need to keep in mind when you offer a product or service is that it should have characteristics that makes it stand out amidst a hundred competitors. This is vital when you are a start-up entering a world that is almost like a rat-race. 

Thus, if your product or service is not going to be different and stand out, or does not deliver the level of value that it is supposed to in a giant world, you might have serious problems running your business, let alone succeeding and excelling!

Not Focusing on Your Customers

In case you didn’t know, your customers are a pillar to your business – they can make or break it! When you deliver your product to those who want it, and look for every possible, impressive way to satisfy them, they would be ready to pay you anything for it. 

When they do, your business is simply going to boom and go places! This is why, when you have identified your customers, you need to focus on them and get them ‘involved’ as you proceed with your business plans and activities. 

Not Testing and Failing to Pivot

Choosing to test and pivot as you run your business proves you are a skilled entrepreneur and leader. Despite the fact that these are extremely vital measures when starting up and running a business, many entrepreneurs make the mistake of taking them lightly and foregoing these aspects. 

If you want a business to succeed, you need to be aware of the constantly changing environment and respond or adjust to it accordingly with tests and pivots. In simple terms, this shall ensure you make the right move/ adjustments in the right time and thereby prevent business blunders and failure.

Not Establishing the Right Ratios Between Sales, Revenue and Expenses

A popular business does not really make it a successful one that is making great profits. In order to be both successful and popular, you need to focus on doing enough sales that generate revenue as well as profit. Your revenue shall cover your production costs and the profit is what you will either put back in your business or distribute it. 

However, that is not all that matters. Business expenses need to be monitored and controlled, too, which is a vital part in attaining profits. Your business can face profound losses if expenses get out of hand, irrespective of how much sales and revenue is made.

the authorKelanMcloughlin